Wednesday 23 February 2011

On The Move Again

It's been nearly four months since I had my knee reconstructed. So far so good. I'm mobile, got virtually full flexion in the knee, I'm walking without crutches and no limp, and the demands of the physio are increasing. My physio is pleased with my progress. I still have a way to go before I'm fully fit, but I'm getting there.

We are flying out to Portugal for a few days and then onto Munich Thursday, travelling to Innsbruck by train on Friday. Short flights are not worth spending a lot of money so by that very limitation, the quantity of leg room is vastly reduced, if not almost non existent.

If you are under 5ft and don't have any issues (like joints seizing if immobilised for periods of time) then Easyjet is fine. When you are 6ft3 like Mark or have a recently reconstructed knee (like me) then spending a couple of hours pinned in one place with little capacity for moving around doesn't provide much comfort, and definitely doesn't bode well for getting much sleep.

A commodity which was highly desirable this morning, having been woken up at 3.30am (yep, 3.30!) as we needed to be at the airport for 4.45am. The gremlin is repressed at the moment, but an afternoon snooze may be necessary in order to ensure she does not escape the tenuous confines which have been weakened by lack of sleep!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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