Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Stupid Things

There has to be a Top Ten of Stupid Things Not To Do. The list would stem from the fact that the Stupid Things are either life threatening, or at the least, very painful. In that list, you could expect to see the following: not crossing motorways on foot and stripping wallpaper with a steamer next to a live plug socket. Today, I’ve found a new one. Not wrapping your hair round a styling brush!

It wasn’t deliberate, it wasn’t one of those “What happens if I do this” ideas, it was a “Trying to add body to my hair and not having the first clue as to how to go about it" idea.

If you have seen Harry Potter then the description "Devils Snare" would be very apt! The end result was a very sore scalp derived from needing my beloved partner to help me extricate the brush from it's entanglement. Mark was as gentle as possible (bless him!) but trying to remove a hair brush from a web of hair is not a gentle exercise, no matter how hard you try.

So rather than heading to work with a neat well styled head of hair, I went to work with the front of my hair tied back as I could not face the hassle and torture of styling for any longer, nor did I have the time for it.

This week seems to be hell bent on challenging me for sure, and its only Tuesday! Referring to a previous post on the subject of having my knee reconstructed and the waiting time for the surgery, I was very shocked to get a phone call from the hospital yesterday.

The reason for the shock, was that they have informed me that my paperwork is being passed over to the treatment centre (which didn't mean a thing to me) I should be hearing about a pre assessment in the next couple of weeks and they intend to have me treated in the next eight weeks or so.

Just to clarify in case there is any confusion, "Treated" as in "operated on"!

So, there was me thinking that I had at least four months to get my staff trained up, and instead I will be lucky to have three months at the most.

On the upside it will get it over with, but it's scary because it's a damn sight closer than I thought. And I am scared. I know it's a routine operation, but touch wood I have been quite healthy, only stayed in hospital once overnight and that was when I had my arthroscopy done in 2003.

Still, I should be thankful for small mercies, I just need ideas of the silver lining to counteract the "Omfg, eight weeks!" sensation I'm still feeling!

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Saturday, 22 May 2010


Ouch! It hurts!

Did 30 minutes of Davina yesterday morning, which as I said previously, didn’t expect to find too difficult, as it looked relatively easy. Did the bums and legs section as that is where I need to focus my attention, though I will be working through the whole lot, 30 minutes a morning.

Got to be said, my legs are sore today! I haven’t done any as yet today, but I will do at some point, going to add some pilates to the mix as well, as my pilates dvd has arrived this morning, yay!

I used to hate the idea of working out at home, but needs must. It stems from not being able to play netball (which I love) and not enjoying going to the gym unless it is class based, which is a little difficult because I have to be careful of my knee. My mentality is that if I’m not giving it 100%, then I’m cheating, and holding back because of my knee (to me) still constitutes cheating.

Perverse as this may sound, I’m pleased that my legs are sore today. To me that means I have exercised properly, and I’m used to the “burn” from when I used to do dancing, and our teachers really used to put us through it (which I loved) I never felt fitter than when we were working towards a dance show, because the training we used to do was fantastic.

Anway, going to crack on with the rest of my day. The sun is out, and it’s absolutely glorious, so will blog ya’ later!

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Q I With a Twist!

Ever woken up one morning and thought "What the hell was THAT about?!"?

Well that was my exact state of mind a short while ago after I woke up and realised that I was not only able to recall my dream, but the content was a tad peculiar.

Quite how we got there, only the Sandman would know, but we were on a plane in France shortly before it was due to depart, and Stephen Fry was sitting on there in handcuffs. There were a number of strange characters on the plane and we were told that he would only be released once the plane landed in the UK.

For some reason we then got off the plane and left poor Stephen to it (sorry Stephen!) and we watched as the plane made it's rather unsteady ascent.

As if that wasn't odd enough, the plane then experienced difficulties and started to circle, like you would expect a piece of paper to float if thrown up into the air.

At this point we had concerns for our safety as we were standing on the runway (told you it was peculiar!) and hid beneath a piece of scaffolding that just happened to be there.

The plane landed without incident (!) and when we went to check on the occupants, poor Stephen was still sitting there very patiently in handcuffs, and the others were bemoaning the fact they would have to wait for another departure slot!

I do not in any way claim to be a psychic, see-er of events, or anything along those lines. My only reason for blogging this was because it felt so god damned strange!

My weekend has only just started, so heaven knows what the rest will bring!

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Hallelujah and praise all things fun and enjoyable, it’s Friday at last! What is it about Fridays that makes even waking up and getting ready for work easier to handle?

It’s day five of healthy eating and I’m still managing to consume at least three of my five a day. The complete change in my eating habits has not sent my body into total shutdown, which is a good sign. The unbelievable thing is that I’m actually enjoying the fruit consumption. I NEVER thought I would hear myself say THAT!

In a bid to get myself fit, I ordered Davina Fit on dvd and a Pilates dvd. The Davina Fit arrived yesterday and I cracked on with one of the sections this morning, which is about 30 minutes long. It’s funny, when you watch these dvd’s it’s easy to think “That doesn’t look too energetic” Heck was I wrong! I was sweating by the bucket load!

It could be an indication of my general lack of fitness as the amount of exercise I have undertaken in recent months has reduced drastically due to my knee deteriorating. Netball has been ruled out indefinitely, I don’t enjoy swimming (plus it makes me hungry) and there aren’t many forms of exercise (bar one!) which keep knee impact to a minute level, and minimal impact on knees is what I need as mine is wrecked. You should have seen the mri scan!

I collected my hot brush from the Royal Mail office this morning (yay!), so I will be testing that out and doing some practicing with it in order to get the most out of my shorter hair style. Due to serious lack of time this morning (twenty minutes to get dressed, dry hair and style it!) I reverted back to hair dryer and hair brush. It was largely due to lack of time, and also due to lack of patience, but “practice makes perfect” as they say, so I will keep trying.

This weekend is a fairly quiet one (I hope), just the odds and sods of general housework etc to deal with. I seriously need to get my ironing under control, at the moment it glares menacingly at me like a grotesquely overgrown evil toad, but if the weather is going to be as lovely as they predict, the toad may have to wait a bit longer.

Next weekend we will be attending my friend’s engagement party. Her fiancé proposed on May Bank Holiday weekend in front of her family and friends. Got to hand it to him, he did it properly, and she was thrilled to bits. She has been married previously (which didn’t work out, obviously) and was hurt emotionally. The idiot didn’t appreciate what he had until he had thrown it away (which he did in a most spectacular fashion, and that’s putting it VERY nicely) consequently he lost her.

Luckily this guy seems to be intent on making my friend happy for the rest of their days on this earth together, and I hope he continues that, as she is a lovely girl. I think it is great that, despite her bad experiences, she still has faith in marriage as an institution and loves him enough to take that chance; a large number of divorcees are more inclined to be a little cynical about taking the vows again. Good on them, I hope they will be very happy together.

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Thursday, 20 May 2010


In addition to moaning about weekend warriors, spanners at petrol stations and enjoying my man’s cooking, working full time and Twittering, I also run a netball team called Eldapoint B. We are in Division 5 (newly promoted from Division 6 as Winners for Winter Season) of the league run by South Essex Thurrock Netball Association, and there are 72 teams in total.

Eldapoint B was formerly Island Wedding. We changed our name at the end of last season to join up with another team as their ‘B’ team. The idea was to provide them with a pool of players to play up if needed (they always struggle to get a team out) and to give my players additional game and higher division experience, which I felt would benefit the team.

At the halfway mark we were in second place, which was very good, considering we have only just gone up! However, we have lost a number of games since then due to negativity on court and struggling to put a team out. Even with eleven players signed up, we have struggled! Still, while I would love for the team to be placed in the top two, if we finish mid division I would be equally happy as well.

In future any blogs for the team and the games they play will be on http://eldapointb.blogspot.com/ You can also follow Eldapoint B on Twitter @eldapointb

Anyone who runs a team of any kind will tell you, it is incredibly frustrating, stressful and hard work. They will also tell you, there are random moments which, however minor to others, also make it rewarding and worth it. One of these moments, however small, can wipe out months of stress and frustration.

Eldapoint B played K O Engineering A last night. They had a rough game, the team they played was very aggressive and there was a lot of contact and late interceptions, which bordered on dangerous, but we did expect that. It wasn’t a nasty or bitchy game, just really rough.

This picture was taken last night. It’s funny because in the photos I have taken of the team before the games they look like they are being lined up to be shot, but in the interval team photos they look a lot happier, despite being hot, sweaty and out of breath!

Unfortunately they lost last night, but I was really pleased with the game and the team. Two reasons. One, the team played as a team and there was no negativity or criticism of each other, of which there has been a lot in recent times, and it is so destructive! Secondly, the umpires awarded player of the match to a player who hasn’t had a lot of game time over the last two seasons and is very inexperienced. This is one of those random moments I mentioned earlier.

This player is always there, but unfortunately because of the number of players available and the types of teams we have played (lot of rough teams!), I have hesitated about putting her on court a lot, which I freely admit (and do regret), has not been fair to her.

Running a team is an absolute headache at times, no matter what you do, it always puts someone’s nose out of joint. In order to ensure we have had enough players, I have signed up more, and then you end up with players spare, and I have lost a player over it, who wanted to play 24/7. The problem with that was, she wanted guaranteed full on game time, but wasn’t prepared to commit herself. Commitment works both ways unfortunately, in everything. You get what you give.

Anyway, returning to the Player of The Match last night. Despite all that she has put up with over the last two seasons and the criticism I don’t doubt she has been subjected to by other players on court (even on a netball court, girls/ladies/women still find time to be bitchy!), she doesn’t complain and she is a lovely natured lady, who, when she plays, gives it everything she can and does not give up. She has had two full games in a row, there is so much improvement, it’s fantastic, and it is lovely to watch.

I’ll give you some examples. Last week, she went in for a loose ball against her opponent, and got a toss-up out of it, because she followed through and didn’t give up. This week, she was calling for passes and the rest of the team were making use of her. Getting that confidence from other players is a difficult thing, as I know from my own experience.

In those few moments before she got that toss-up, she finally tapped into the competitive spirit she needed to move forward, and because of it, she is getting immersed in the game and the basics are falling into place more easily for her. Footwork doesn’t come easy to her when it comes to passing and some of the passes the rest of the team use are a bit brutal for her at the moment, but it will come with time.

There was a photo I took last night of this player, which regrettably wasn’t very good quality, really blurred, and I won’t post it on here. However, it clearly identifies her, and you could see her determination in it, it is written in her expression, her posture, everything. They say a picture paints a thousand words, and clichéd though that is, my word it is true.

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Hot n Bothered!

It’s only been five days since I got my hair cut, and I cannot wait for my hot brush to arrive!

Already I am beginning to comprehend the logistics of shorter hair. The fact that I can’t just go “f*ck it, can’t be bothered to wash it, will put it up today” has already added to my morning routine, which wasn’t exactly short and speedy to begin with.

The other problem is, I have purchased a hairdryer/brush/thingy but I am finding it a challenge getting to grips with it. I expect to be able to do things first time (regardless of difficulty) and not being able to master this product is driving me nuts, even though I have only had it two days.

Realistically, I should expect it to take a while as I have not had shorter hair since I was 18/19 years of age (not going to tell you how long ago THAT was!) but patience is not exactly my strong point.

Under no circumstances will I be buying a set of straighteners! Luckily enough, my hair is straight anyway, and very little persuasion from a hair brush and hairdryer keeps it that way.

When you look at some articles, they cite shorter hair as being easy to manage and requiring less time to style etc. I don’t think these articles take into account women (like me!) who haven’t had shorter hair for a long, long time, and therefore need a fair bit of practice to figure out what to do with it, other than wash it and style it.

Changing the subject! Little tip for anyone who, when they fancy something sweet, heads for the chocolate or biscuit tin. Get a whole pineapple, cut it up into chunks and store them in batches in containers in the fridge. Then when you fancy something sweet, work your way through a small container of pineapple.

I come home from watching my netball team play last night and really fancied something sweet to eat. Normally I would have located the nearest bit of chocolate, or nutella, but I’m determined not to give in (at the moment!) so I had some pineapple instead. It wasn’t quite the same, but it stopped me eating chocolate!

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Food Glorious Food

Day three of healthy(ier) eating over with. Shock and amazement, I have managed to consume at least three of the five a day. Question is, can I keep it going?
Well, my body hasn't staged a riot in protest at all the fruit I am consuming (yet) not noticing any benefits yet, but then it's only day three!

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Sunday, 16 May 2010

Getting my head round it.

Went to see the consultant this morning about my knee. The acl is completely wrecked (which I knew) and I'm facing a reconstruction. Not sure quite when this is going to happen, but it will involve crutches for about six weeks and no weight bearing on that leg for about the same length of time.

The annoying thing is that I have got to wait for the appointment and I don't know how long it will be, it's estimated at four to six months, but there is no telling when.

It's mucked up our holiday plans, we can't book anything too far in advance in case I get an op date and we have to cancel. So our five days in Barcelona is about the extent of our getaways this year. So much for two weeks in the sun.

It wouldn't be so bad if they could give me a date now for in six months time. At least I could make preparations and book things around it. Instead the next six months are a "no plans zone" any idea what that's like for someone with a mild case of ocd?

All in all, pretty irritated!

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Saturday, 15 May 2010


Omg, it's been a stressful day! Had my hair cut this morning. After years (try seventeen of them!) of having long hair, I have had it cut. Short. My hairdresser, after asking me at least four times "was I sure" took about five or six inches off. That's a hell of a lot when I normally only instruct her to cut "what it needs" off in order to keep it healthy!
Look at all the hair!!

However, despite the initial trauma, I'm pleased with it.

I wasn't so pleased with Mark having to dismantle the fireplace in order to free the stupid bird that had got stuck behind it this afternoon while we had lunch! And then I had to move the feathered idiot from the living room to the front door(which I had opened in preparation) where it flew off without even an acknowledgement of the hassle it had caused!

Still, the fireplace went back to its rightful spot without too much incident (just a fair bit of soot!) and we are going to have a lazy afternoon and then go and see Iron Man 2 this evening, so that should go someway to relieving the stress incurred so far today.

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Friday, 14 May 2010

That Friday feeling!

Omg, this time last week we were in Barcelona! This week has gone so fast. Looking forward to the weekend, ideally would like to chill out, but with a haircut, hospital appointment and loads of ironing to contend with, I don't think relaxing is going to be possible!
Just had a meatball marinara sub from Subway, which was quite scrumptious. Got a bag of crisps to munch on when I head back to my desk shortly, and may add a bar of chocolate to the mix at some point. Hope to finish on time this evening, it would be a first this week. In four days I have clocked almost the expected hours for a five day week.

Started my weekend yesterday evening at a Chinese restaurant with my friend. It was nice to be able to catch up and chat freely, not always an easy thing. Can't beat having a giggle with the girls

Anyway, back off to finish my working day!
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Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Spanners of the world unite...

...and congregate at the petrol pump at Tescos!

My word, just when you think Darwin is succeeding in removing the muppets from the gene pool, one eludes all efforts and shows himself to the world!

Having returned from Barcelona and back to work today, the everyday tasks needed attending to. Consequently I went to Tescos at lunchtime to get petrol and decided to use the pay at pump facility. Of the two pumps on that side, one was out of order.

You would think that the cone strategically placed in front of the pump and the "out of order" sign on the pump itself would be sufficient to deterr someone from trying to obtain fuel from it.

Unless you are a Darwin escapee, in which case even a tank parked in front of it would not be enough.

This plank made several efforts to obtain fuel and then went into the station to discuss it with the staff.

I would love to see the footage from the security camera in the shop as the staff tried to keep a straight face. Seriously, it does make you wonder how these people get dressed in the mornings!

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Monday, 10 May 2010


We are home, finally, having left the hotel in Barcelona over ten hours ago.

Nothing like putting the washing machine on to hammer home reality and bring your holiday to a deafening end!

On the upside, we will start planning our next "jaunt" away, where should we go next??

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Doing what Brits do best...

...queuing! Waiting to go through passport control along with many others!

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Location:Bassingbourn Rd,Takeley,United Kingdom

Somewhere over the rainbow

Yes, you guessed it, I'm fidgeting again. The food gremlin has been satisfied (for the time being anyway!) and I'm bored.
Listening to music is not helping (note to self, update iPod nano and 5th gen with some better music)
Got an application on my iPhone which enables you to add certain clipart to photos, that was entertaining for about five minutes.
Soo bored!!
Update: and the steward whizzed through the cabin saying about the boutique, not giving anyone a chance to make a purchase, so I couldn't even indulge in some retail therapy to relieve the boredom!
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Location:38000 miles in the air

The purpose of this flight..

...is to get through it without throttling one of the little toerags sitting behind me who keeps pulling himself up by grabbing the back of my seat....

I love kids, really I do, but a whole one would give me indigestion!
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Still waiting

Last blog before we board, hopefully. I'm armed with a set of earphones so worse case scenario if the screaming toddler is sat nearby, at least the decibels will be muffled. Though in fairness the mother did threaten her with not being allowed on the plane if she doesn't desist!
I don't know whose idea it was but either Easyjet or Barcelona airport authority thought it would be amusing to make us queue to board at one gate and then change the boarding gate to one which was downstairs.
Yeah, we really split our sides laughing at that one!

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Sort it out O2!

Work this one out. I have just had a text from O2. My usage of data has been quite heavy while away and they have advised the amount I have used and said if it keeps on they may stop my data use. O2 - your point is - what exactly??

Yet, despite requests previously, they can not (or more to the point, WILL not) cap phone bills to stop them being abused.

I have heard of profiteering, but £3 per mb and not capping phone bills is a joke!

And, in case you hadn't worked it out, we are on our second coffee, our flight is delayed to at least 16.10 and there is a screaming toddler whose cries are extremely pain wreaking to my hearing!

However, we are now queueing to board as the plane has arrived earlier. Take a deep breath and....

That's better!!
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Location:Carretera del Prat de Llobregat,El Prat de Llobregat,Spain

On second thoughts..

...at least they didn't put us on a plane in those nice "comfy" seats and THEN tell us there would be a two and half hour delay.

Guess we have to be thankful for small mercies eh?!

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Location:Carretera del Prat de Llobregat,El Prat de Llobregat,Spain

Everything works better in theory

Just when we thought it was all going relatively smoothly and we were expecting to board any time, the screens changed and the flight now isn't due for two and a half hours! Sod it :-s

We had a dopey check in desk agent whose computer was malfunctioning and he was too stupid to get the extremely long suffering queue moved to another check in desk. An ounce of common sense and customer service awareness goes a long way sometimes, clearly he had neither of those attributes.
After tolerating that (barely!) we went through security without any problems, then dived in duty free quickly, grabbed a sandwich (had to rush because of the length of time spent in the check in queue!) sat down to wait for our flight to be called and now we are facing another exercise in patience!
Keep your fingers crossed that the flight actually takes place!!

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Location:Carretera del Prat de Llobregat,El Prat de Llobregat,Spain

Paint drying..

Ok, now I'm getting the ump. The whole point of checking in online was to avoid the queues! This is testing my very short supply of patience to it's limit!
Why do we always find the queue with the intelligence-challenged server/waiter/travel agent?

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Location:Queue to check in (still!)

Patience is a virtue..

...and it's not something I possess a lot of!
We were collected from the hotel and brought to Terminal 2 at the airport. On checking the flight board, our flight was not showing, which was a little worrying!
I asked at one of the information kiosks and was advised that we were in Terminal 2b, and that Easyjet flights depart from Terminal 2c! Thankfully it was only a short walk to change terminals, and we are now in a queue, waiting to do the check in thing.

As you can see, lots of people!

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Location:Terminal 2 Barcelona Airport

Day of reckoning

Well it's our last day and we are down at the cafe (who had the good sense to be open this morning!) having coffee and croissants.
As it stands we will be going to the airport in a couple of hours. We keep checking the departure lists at Barcelona via Easyjet and the Barcelona airport site, along with the arrivals at Stansted (see photo of Mark!) and there isn't anything to indicate that there will be a problem, but suck it and see comes to mind! We won't know until we get there.

We have other options semi in place, and if there are other flights going to other airports in the uk, we will try one of those if our flight goes up in smoke, forgive the pun!

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Location:Bar Calamira, Numancia

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Last meal

Minus the hiccups I was suffering with two nights ago, it was a lovely meal, and the cheesecake with pistachio nut ice cream could only be described as lush, worth a visit for that only. At fifty five euros for the two of us, it wasn't a cheap meal, but the quality and service in there justified every cent.

Those in the neighbourhood will probably have eaten there already at some point, for those intending to visit, see below:

Well worth a visit!
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Location:Cellar de Tapas

Reality check

Oh god, having to face the possibility that our return trip might be a lot more than just a flight home in terms of miles, hours and cost!

There is a distinct chance that our flight will be cancelled, leaving us two options, either wait(not an option) or find an alternative route.

Travelling options: train to Paris then train from there to London, which is exhorbitant to say the least! If we can transfer to another flight going to the uk that would be better, a pain in the arse but possibly a cheaper pain in the arse!

Anyhow, we have one evening left so we are going back to Cellar de Tapas! Tomorrow will come soon enough!

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Confused dot com!

Ok, work this one out. I am a little sunburnt, but I look like a wet bedraggled rat!
It was sunny while we were at the track, when we were queuing to get into Mobtmelo station it started to rain and just as we got on the platform the heavens opened :-s
The walk from Barcelona Sant (mainline station nearest hotel) was also a little wet. We have stopped off for a coffee (no tea/coffee provisions in room, shocking for two teapots like us!) and just checked the flights, think it could be a challenge getting home tomorrow!

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Location:Carrer de Robrenyo,Barcelona,Spain

Omg! Hundreds of people trying..

...to get a train back to Barcelona!

And the crowds are not moving!
Bear in mind that we didn't rush to leave the circuit because of the crowds, the race finished just before 4pm, we then stopped at a bar for a drink(so I could go to the bathroom!) and it's now five thirty five, this could be a long journey back...
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Lewis held second place for most if the race and then went out on penultimate lap! Which meant that Alonso got second, which was a tad irritating, would have been nice to see an Englishman on the podium.
Still, an Australian winning it ( and Australia has the Queen as their sovereign!) makes it a little easier to bear!! Well done Webber, he held pole the entire race so he deserved the win.
Now, we just need to navigate the huge crowds :-s
All in all a good race and a new experience!

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So far..

Webber is in the lead, followed by Hamilton, then Vettel, Alonso, Schumacher then Button. Come on Lewis!

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Drivers parade

All the drivers paraded the track in classic cars. Was absolutely disgusted to hear boo's from the Spanish around us when Hamilton went past. These spectators would do well to remember that Hamilton was world champion in 2008 and that Alonso last won it in 2006! Since then there have been two British world champions.

Didn't expect to hear that at Formula 1. Would expect it at a football match!

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Do love a Porsche...

...Especially when it spins off into the gravel!!
We are all seated in the stand with a couple of hours to go before the F1 and there is some porsche racing which is proving quite entertaining!

I wonder if we will see any F1 cars have problems on that bend?
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Location:Circuit de Catalynya

Nearly there!

Absolutely stunned, the train seems a little slow this morning!

We are on the train (again, spend a lot of time travelling!)

As you might be able to see from the photo, Mark is absorbing sunlight and converting it to a tan with relative ease!

Hope there is a shuttle bus, the walk up the hill to the track is brutal!
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Location:Train to Montmelo

Good morning!!!

This is it. This is what we came here for. Today is the European Grand Prix which we will be watching at Circuit de Catalunya!

Mark got up, showered and got dressed, all with his eyes closed, which I found quite impressive!

We are now at Panet getting coffee etc. Normally Mark goes up and gets served, but in his sleepy state he headed for a table and requested that I obtain the drinks and food.

After watching a pair of locals walk in and get served before me I headed back to the table extremely irritated. I hate it when people queue jump and I hate ordering food, anywhere, as I am far from patient at the best of times, but lack of caffeine and food makes it FAR worse.
One of the staff obviously picked up on my irritation (would have been difficult to miss it!) and come over to our table to find out what we wanted, and I left it to Mark to order.
On a brighter state, now you know what we are wearing, look out for us in the crowds!

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Location:Carrer de Robrenyo,Barcelona,Spain

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Smoking is bad for you

Just learned that Barcelona airport is closed due to volcanic ash! Wonder how long that will last?! Will worry about that on Monday morning, there is sweet f.a that we can do about it now. We got over here, that's all we were concerned about!

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Location:Calle de Numancia,Barcelona,Spain


Having discovered that every bar is showing the Seville v Barcelona football match, and Mark is not a fan of football in any alternate reality, we have headed back to the hotel to chill out.
Think we might go back to Cellar de Tapas tomorrow evening to fully appreciate the cheesecake with pistachio ice cream :-)
It's the race tomorrow, fingers crossed for reasonable weather!

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Location:Calle de Numancia,Barcelona,Spain

Food assessment

Nice enough meal, but not piping hot, nor value for money and compared to last night the quality and quantity does leave lot to be desired.

The food critic Im eating with was not impressed in the slightest! The front of house staff are welcoming enough, but there is a rushed feeling and less than an hour on we have eaten and they have cleared our table.

It's all well and good not leaving dirty plates around, but there needs to be a fine balance. Leaving the plates too long indicates lack of attention, clearing them too quick gives the impression the waiters want you to clear your table (which they probably do!)

We have had coffee but given dessert a miss, going to look elsewhere for that. On the upside, no hiccups!

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Miles of walking..

...and I'm feeling fat!

Only women can understand this.

I've put a couple of pounds on recently, enough that I'm starting to feel a bit self conscious about what I wear. And I have never been that confident about clothes anyway.

In that way that women have, I was hoping to see the effects of all the miles of walking over the last few days as an immediate result. And, of course, it's not immediate, which is downright out of order, as it should be visible straightaway, in the same way that chocolate, cheesecake, chocolate torte and a bottle of wine shared with a friend all shouldn't have calories.

Try explaining the logic of this to a man. When I commented that I feel fat, there wasn't an immediate rebuttal of this, which then leads you to think that maybe he is thinking that those few pounds are starting to notice as well.
Men, take note, sometimes ignoring a female comment about their weight because you don't agree with it can be damaging, even though no harm is meant!
When queried on it, he advised that I don't look fat, but the evil little gremlin that sits on my shoulder criticising my appearance 24/7 (amongst other things, and its a horrible little gremlin who is difficult to shut up) is already rubbing it's hands with glee at having an unwitting ally.

For now I will have to shut the little gremlin in our suitcase as we are going out for dinner!

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Location:Calle de Numancia,Barcelona,Spain

Sardines but...

...organised. Train is packed (only grumble is that they could have done with routing their double decker trains) but we got seats thankfully, as it's really stuffy and warm on here.

However, the staff had the entrance into the station organised and the road through Montmelo from the track was closed to allow the crowds to get through without incident.

Webber got pole, followed by Vettel, Hamilton, Alonso then Button. You would have thought Alonso had got pole to hear the crowds, it was like being in the away section at a football match!

So, any predictions for the race outcome?? Webber is good at hanging onto pole, but Hamilton and Button are well placed to take control, especially if it rains.

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Location:Train to Barcelona Sant


Mark bought a set of heavy duty ear phones, which I am wearing in addition to the earplugs!

After first qualifying it was Webber, Vettel, Hamilton then Button (let's face it, they are the only ones we are interested in!)
Trying to get a photo on this of the cars as they come round is like trying to spread butter with a toothpick!

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Wise purchase

In addition to the ear plugs, we also purchased two more 4gb compact flash cards, which judging by Mark's snap-happiness was a very good move!!!

Two cars have already got intimate with the gravel, neither was one of the main contenders, thankfully.
Bit bizarre seeing a driver as a pillion on the back of a moped going past the stand as he is taxied back to the pit!
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Thursday we purchased some ear plugs. A very wise move which has reduced the ear splitting scream of the cars whizzing past to a muffled roar!

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We are here!

All seated in stand P waiting for the fun to begin.

We brought some food with us, and in the interest of keeping my food "gremlin" under control, snacking is about to commence!

Where we are seated gives us a good view of two bends and one of the screens. It's nice and warm at the moment, here's hoping it stays like it.

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En route!

Having had our morning refreshments (mine was coffee and croissant, Marks' was coffee and a smoke!) we are now on the overhead train to Montmelo, suitably prepared for the 25 minute route march from the station to the track.

Still ticked off with O2 over their data charges, Ofcom really need to intervene!

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Location:Train to Montmelo

Good morning!

We are up and out ready to go and watch the qualifying. And at the moment it is sunny and warm.

We are still prepared for change of weather, got waterproofs (thank you, Thorpe Park!) and umbrella, but optimism dictates that we also carry sunglasses as well as baseball caps (except Im wearing mine)

Just having a coffee and croissant at Panet, bit cross that the cafe we have been going to each morning has overslept, but still!

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Location:Panet nr Sants Estacio

Friday, 7 May 2010


Sods law in all it's glory. We paid the bill, left the restaurant, got to the metro at Universitat and my hiccups disappeared without a trace (apart from that strange sensation they leave in the pit of your stomach)

They couldn't have sodding done that BEFORE I had my blasted cheesecake with pistachio nut ice cream!!

Busy day ahead of us tomorrow. In case anyone is oblivious, it's the qualifying for the European Grand Prix. And we will be going to watch it. Live.

Still gutted about the cheesecake...

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Location:Calle de Numancia,Barcelona,Spain

And it continues...

Dessert was lovely. It would have been lovelier still if I wasn't still flippin' hiccuping!

Have you ever tried to eat and drink while hiccuping? It's not easy, and the intercostal muscles spasms leave a really horrible sensation in your stomach.

Still hiccuping..any suggestions?!

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Location:Plaça de la Universitat,Barcelona,Spain

Cellar de tapas

Had a lovely meal in a tapas bar in the centre of Barcelona. It has been very nice except that I have got the hiccups!

We had chicken, mushrooms, potatoes, chorizo sausage, salad and fried camembert for main course.

Dessert is cheesecake with pistachio ice cream which looks really nice if I can stop hiccuping long enough to try it...

Mark has demolished a crepe with chocolate sauce.

And I still can't get rid of the sodding hiccups!

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Location:Plaça de la Universitat,Barcelona,Spain


Just checked my phone charges and I have done £17.98 so far in data! O2 charge £3 per mb abroad! Come on O2, that is daylight robbery and excessive!!

Because I want to use my iPhone to it's fullest extent, Im having to pay through the nose for it, and Im willing to bet it's pure profit for O2.

Come on O2, put together a deal for using data abroad, the take up on something like that would be immense.

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Location:Calle de Numancia,Barcelona,Spain

Oh my 60Metres high!!

Blogging from the top of the Mirador de Colom! Views are amazing!

Location:Plaça del Portal de la Pau,Barcelona,Spain


We are in the Imax, about to watch Giants of the Ocean.

However, 3D and a litre of beer is not a good combination!

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Location:Plaça de l'Ictíneo,Barcelona,Spain

Heaven is a place on earth!

We are down at the Port having a spot of lunch. Just visited a boutique area similar to Cite Europe (Mark's idea, not mine!) and found a beautiful shop

Now sitting outside a restaurant and Mark is getting used to the continental life with ease!

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Location:Passeig d'Itaca,Barcelona,Spain

Greetings from the Mirador de Colum!

Had a lazy start today, just had coffee and croissants near our hotel, now down at the marina ready to explore :-)

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Location:Pl Portal de la Pau

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Day one

Well we have done the pit walk which was pretty good. Bit disappointed with Jenson Button and Lewis Hamilton, they did one photo shoot at 4pm which was literally when the pits opened for the afternoon session (bearing in mind there were big queues to get in) and then vanished out of sight.

Alonso did a fair bit of showboating, he came out a number of times, mind you, this is his "home ground" so he was playing to a huge audience!

Now on the train on the way back to the hotel. Going to get back to our room and put some batteries on charge, made good use if cameras and camcorder today :-)

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Location:Train to Barcelona Sant


The amount of people is horrific, lot calmer compared to earlier. We are outside the McClaren garage, fingers crossed we might see Jenson and Lewis

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Location:Outside McClaren garage

F1 here we come!

We are at the track waiting for the pit walk to start. With almost an hour to go the queues are building up already!

So mad to actually be at the track. I'm not an F1 fan myself, but the atmosphere of a live event will make it difficult not to get caught up in the excitement.

I think the fact that Mark is mad on F1 and dead chugged to be here will help as well!

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Location:Circuit de Catalunya

Cheap as chips!

After a little bit of confusion ( trying to find the c2c equivalent was a little interesting) we are now en route to Montmelo which is the station nearest to the track.

For 3€20 (for TWO people) we have got single tickets which will take us about 30 to 40 km. Bear in mind that a travelcard for all zones in London is about £10 per person!

Having wandered around a little this morning we are heading to the F1 track for the pitwalk. Not quite sure what to expect, but looking forward to it for sure!

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Location:Train to Montmelo

It's that time of day..

...I need food and I need the bathroom, two things that will make me irritable.

We visited the cathedral and we are currently near Museu d'historia de Catalunya at Casa Pascual, about to get fed and watered!

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Location:Plaça de Pau Vila,Barcelona,Spain

Another coffee another city

Chilling in Barcelona at Starbucks making preparations for the day ahead. We have the track walk this afternoon at 4pm so it's an opportunity to see some of the city this morning.

I think the intention is to take the metro out to the sea front at Porta D' Europa, maybe see the aquarium, though we will probably have a look at the Cathedral first.

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Location:Carrer de Pelai,Barcelona,Spain

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Getting fidgity

Waiting for the crew to bring the cart round with duty free etc. Can't sleep, solitaire on iPhone is just irritating me and I have read the inflight magazine. Any other suggestions?

Update: and they didn't have either of the items I wanted! Grrr!

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Location:On the plane somewhere over Toulouse

How to pass away a 2 hour flight

I can't help it, I'm bored!

What are the options:

1) Try out the mile high club. Not as easy as it sounds when the highest traffic area on the plane is the toilets and Easyjet don't provide blankets or any privacy.

2) Sleep. Easier said than done, it's only a two hour flight, and paranoia about Dvt and being immobile for any period of time is setting in after ten minutes already. Have you tried sleeping in a plane seat??

3) Listen to my iPod. Great idea, so long as you don't own a 5th generation 60gb iPod which has a tendancy to have a tantrum on flights.

4) Take photos out of the window. Fantastic. How many photos of clouds and sunshine can I take before I lose the will to live? Any bets? Does paint drying sound familiar?

5) Aggravate my beloved boyfriend. Now that isn't a bad idea...however he has been deprived of nicotine for a while so the results could be a little unpredictable.

6) Add another entry to my blog. Now THATS an idea!

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Waiting, sweetheart, waiting

Just waiting to board, got to be the tedious part. It's when you are trying to avoid tedium that you pay attention to little things. Like the guy sitting next to us who looks like he hasn't cut his toenails or washed his feet in months and he is baring them in flipflops. One word-moisturiser!

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Location:Terminal Rd S,Takeley,United Kingdom

And we are off!

Chilling, having a coffee and a smoke before we go through security. So far so good! Keeping our fingers crossed that we will take off before there are any volcanic issues.

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Location:Terminal Rd N,Takeley,United Kingdom