Saturday, 30 October 2010

Day 4 - Not for the squeamish as graphic pics attached

I have been working on getting flexibility back, I'm limited at the moment, which I think is to be expected. Had the dressings changed yesterday, the nurse couldn't understand why the hospital had insisted on it being done so soon. Better that than leave it for a week, to be honest.

The biggest thing is needing others to help me. I can dress myself and put shoes and socks on, but showering on my own is not something I have attempted yet, so Mark has been helping me. Though I can get round on them, I do feel awkward on the crutches. I'm not the most graceful of people to begin with, and adding crutches to the mix multiplies the "Nelly the Elephant" look by 1000!

When they were redoing the dressings on Thursday morning I took some photos, which are below, look away now if you are the slightest bit squeamish. The redness of my skin was down to a antiseptic they used while I was under anaesthetic. I can't get the dressing wet so I have been using a special waterproof plaster cast cover, as there was no way in hell I was going without a shower.

I must admit, before the nurse took off the bandages, I didn't know what to expect. Bear in mind when they took me back up to the ward I was bandaged from mid thigh to my toes. It was aching round my knee, so I knew that was where they had done all the work. I wasn't expecting to see the second dressing on the right hand side of my thigh, as there was no pain from that at all.

Hopefully this will only leave a thin scar, but as I don't exactly have model legs it's no deal breaker! I have to have the stitches out in the tenth of November, so I will take some more photos then.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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